• As a coach you should be a role model for your team and are responsible for advocating good sportsmanship. Branham Hills expects coaches to teach our players not only to learn softball but also to be good people. Fair play and positive reinforcement should be part of your coaching style.

  • Assistant Coaches can help with anything needed for practices/games and fill in as head coaches if you are unavailable. Listen to your Assistant Coach for input on practices and game strategies. Supply all your coaches with your practice plan.

    Managers will be the primary source of communication for league and team updates. (See the Manager tab for more information)

  • Coaching skill-building clinics will be scheduled throughout the season. Some will be required and paid by BHGS. Coaches clinic page

  • Have a formal plan for your practices. “Winging it” is not an appropriate practice plan.

    With the help of assistant coaches and parents.

    Set up practice field. The home team (listed first) will start with the infield and must bring out bases and pitching rubber (8U & 10U). Halfway through, switch to practicing in the outfield. The away team (listed second) will put away equipment.

    Break out girls into small groups and have them work at different stations (for example, hitting, catching, etc.)

  • You must have a registered adult female before you start warm-ups, and they must remain present until the last player leaves at the end of the game.

    Arrive with ample warm-up time—generally 45 minutes before game time for 8u divisions and above. Warm-ups are allowed in the middle of the field if a game is still being played. Have a standard routine for warm-up, including stretching, Throwing/catching, hitting – wiffle balls and soft toss, and infield ground balls. Pitchers and catchers should hit first and warm up pitching and catching, while the remaining team finishes hitting and doing infield drills.

    The Home Team must prepare the field (see field prep). They will clean up if the Away team is the last team to play.

    Set up team lineup. Plan your line-up before the game. 10U and older will require a lineup card for the scorekeeper and umpire.

    Be a fair coach and let girls rotate positions. If you have girls sitting out, rotate them in so all girls play equally.

    Ensure all girls are picked up before you leave a game or practice.

  • A certified coach/manager must be present at all practices and games.

    All Coaches and Managers must be ACE-certified, Soft Sport and Concussion protocol training before the first practice. This is a mandatory insurance requirement for the league. It is recommended that assistant coaches complete the training.

  • Each team staff member is asked to help line the girls up, ensure every girl hits, and measure the distance their players hit. The division reps will also be on the field to assist as needed.


 Every coach is required to pass the ASA Background Check and ACE Coaching Certification through USA Softball before the season begins.

  • This process can take up to a week to complete and costs $25.

  • Please email your certifications or other items to Player Agent Marie Daniel -

  • Certifications expire every year on August 31, and you must recertify for next year.

  • Failure to complete your ACE Coaching Certification will bar you from the playing field.

  • Remember to register with BHGS, which is also required to fill the coaching positions.

Additional Requirements

  • CDC Concussion Training and Safe Sport are required for all coaches.

  • ​The USA Softball requires concussion training, which must be completed every two years.

  • ​ACE Coaching Certification is a mandatory insurance requirement for the league. After completing the background check above, you must continue with the ACE Coaching Certification.

Coaches Training Videos


Standards of conduct are part of what makes youth sports great.

A manager, coach, player, or other individual(s) affiliated with the league shall not violate any of the following:

Respect: All players, coaches, officials, staff, and parents must treat each other respectfully. Harassment, discrimination, and bullying are not tolerated.

Sportsmanship: Players are expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship, including playing by the rules, acknowledging good plays by the other

team, and being gracious in victory and defeat.

Safety: The safety of all participants is of the utmost importance. Players should wear appropriate safety gear and follow safety rules set by the league.
Any unsafe behavior, such as throwing a bat or engaging in rough play, will result in disciplinary action.

Drugs and Alcohol: Any player, coach, official, or parent found to be using alcohol or drugs during a game or practice will be subject to disciplinary action, including suspension and potential expulsion from the league and fields.

Code of Conduct: All league participants must follow this code of conduct. Any code violation may result in disciplinary action, including suspension and potential expulsion from the league.


"I will treat everyone, including coaches, parents, players and officials, with respect, regardless of race, creed, color, nationality or gender."

  • Be a role model.

  • Work hard for yourself and your team.

  • Treat all participants in your sport as you would like to be treated

  • Learn the value of commitment to the team. "I will attend every practice and game that I can and will notify my coach if I cannot."

  • Put personal goals aside for the betterment of the team and experience.

  • Show courtesy and respect for teammates, opponents, and coaches.

  • Realize that athletic contests, including practice sessions, are educational experiences and opportunities.

  • "I will not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct."

  • "I will not engage in rude behavior."