General Information
As a recreational softball league, BHGS relies on volunteers to coach and manage each team.
In the Little Hitters and 6U divisions, experience is optional. BHGS offers training clinics and experienced coaches as mentors.
For the upper divisions, experience as a head coach is preferred but not required. As with the lower divisions, BHGS offers training clinics and experienced coaches as mentors.
Being an assistant coach or manager is a great way to learn.
Coach/Manager registration for Spring 2025 coming soon!
Prospective coaches for recreational & competitive teams must fill out an application to be considered for a coaching position.
Head Coach (One per team, selected by the Board)
May volunteer or be nominated
Must be USA Softball ACE Certified, complete a background check, and undergo Safe Sport Training and California State-mandated Concussion protocol training.
May be the designated registered adult female
Determines line-ups and playing time
Organizes, attends, and runs practices and overall strategies
Part of the competitive team selection committee
Assistant Coach (Up to 3 per team, nominated by Head Coach subject to Board approval)
May volunteer or be nominated
Must be USA Softball ACE Certified, complete a background check, and undergo Safe Sport Training and California State-mandated Concussion protocol training
Assists the Head Coach and Manager with practices and games
Manager (One per team, nominated by Head Coach subject to Board approval)
May volunteer or be nominated
Must be USA Softball ACE Certified, complete a background check, and undergo Safe Sport Training and California State-mandated Concussion protocol training.
May be the designated registered adult female.
Communicates with parents
Coordinates with BHGS for fundraising, uniforms, and team events,
Communicates practice and game schedules with team
Be present in the dugout during practices and games.
Thunder if applicable:
Coordinates Thunder tournament applications and travel plan registration.
Arranges tournament potluck lunches with parents
Standards of conduct are part of what makes youth sports great.
"I will treat everyone, including coaches, parents, players and officials, with respect, regardless of race, creed, color, nationality or gender."
Any manager, coach, player, or other individual(s) affiliated with the league shall not violate any of the following:
Respect: All players, coaches, officials, staff, and parents must treat each other respectfully. Harassment, discrimination, and bullying are not tolerated.
Sportsmanship: Players are expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship, including playing by the rules, acknowledging good plays by the other team, and being gracious in victory and defeat.
Safety: The safety of all participants is of the utmost importance. Players should wear appropriate safety gear and follow safety rules set by the league. Any unsafe behavior, such as throwing a bat or engaging in rough play, will result in disciplinary action.
Drugs and Alcohol: Any player, coach, official, or parent found to be using alcohol or drugs during a game or practice will be subject to disciplinary action, including suspension and potential expulsion from the league and fields.
Code of Conduct: All league participants must follow this code of conduct. Any code violation may result in disciplinary action, including suspension and potential expulsion from the league.
• Be a role model. Work hard for yourself and your team.
• Treat all participants in your sport as you would like to be treated
• Learn the value of commitment to the team. "I will attend every practice and game that I can and will notify my coach if I cannot."
• Put personal goals aside for the betterment of the team and experience.
• Show courtesy and respect for teammates, opponents, and coaches.
• Realize that athletic contests, including practice sessions, are educational experiences and opportunities.
• "I will not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct."
• "I will not engage in rude behavior."