The league has USA medical insurance to cover any injury requiring professional medical care, but we MUST have any incidents documented in writing.
All accidents must be reported to the safety director within 24 hours of the incident.
If the injury is severe enough that the child has to be seen by a doctor, the doctor must sign a medical release before they may participate in any game or practice. THIS IS MANDATORY!!!
Incident Reports will be completed anytime medical attention (ice packs / first aid supplies) is required.
Safety concerns should be brought to the attention of the Safety Coordinator, team staff, or BHGS Board members. The safety coordinator will address these concerns, and any resulting decisions, policies, or processes will be communicated to the league.
The BHGS Safety representative determines the field status. If a rainy day is called, no one is allowed to practice at Alta Vista (not even on blacktop.)
Check an hour before your game (or after 4:30p.m.) on weeknights.
On Saturdays check after 7:30a.m. (for the morning games) & then again after 10:30a.m. for the afternoon games. Morning games may be canceled, but afternoon games may still be played.
The player should be adequately equipped, and the gear should fit properly to protect them from injury.
As a league, we do not display the girls' names on their uniforms or equipment in the divisions , Little Hitters, 6U, and 8U. This includes gear bags, helmets, visors, etc. Please label uniforms and equipment with your daughter's name discretely. Players in the 10U and 12U divisions may have last names on uniforms if approved by the BHGS board.
No child is to be left unattended by team staff/chaperone.
Parent contact information required
We recommend picking your child up personally, not at the street.
One registered female, preferably the manager and chaperone, must always be present during practices, games, and team events. Managers, please remember if you cannot attend a game or practice, your binder MUST be at the field during practices and games. The binder contains all the necessary safety information in case of an incident.
USA insurance covers only properly registered girls and adult staff members. This coverage is only good when a registered female staff member is on the field.
Every female adult should be a designated chaperone, if possible. Chaperones are able to assist with the team.
No jewelry can be worn in the field. Taping over earrings is no longer acceptable. Taped medic-alert bracelets are an exception.
Equipment must be USA / NOCSAE certified for softball use
6U/8U/10U/12U – Facemask on helmet required
Batting helmets must be tight and secured or a chin strap will be required
All girls must wear helmets if they are up to bat or when returning to the dugout. Only after they are behind the fence can they remove their helmet.
Infielders masks are required. Outfielders masks are optional.
No bats are allowed inside the dugout or by the benches.
Girls with long hair must have it pulled back and secured with elastic - no barrettes or other fasteners made with hard plastics or metal.
Players are not allowed to eat soda, food, gum, or candy while playing on the field.
No parents, family members or friends are allowed within 20 feet of the bench (except for medical reasons). Parents should avoid “coaching” or talking to the coaches and players during practice and the game.
Unless permitted by the manager, all players must remain in the dugout.
All players must be in full uniform in order to play in a game situation. Uniform tee shirts are required to be tucked into pants.
Never place any pin or decoration on any uniform or hat that may cause injury should a girl be hit with the ball.
Umpires/coach have the authority to remove any player/parent not following the rules.
All injuries must be reported to the coach /manager.
NEVER, NEVER move a child who had a collision or some other type of accident and has become unconscious or incoherent. Please call 911 and allow medical personnel to judge her situation. Also, contact the on-field BHGS Board Members about the problem.
Hit-’n-Stik is no longer allowed on game days, but okay during practice
They provided every team with equipment bags required at every practice or game.
Request forms for replacement supplies are included in a kit. Replacement supplies are available in the snack shack.
First aid kits are in “fanny packs."
Frozen sponges for ice packs in the freezer in the equipment room.
First aid kits are in backpacks.
Use Instant ice packs.
For any additional questions, safety concerns, or issues, contact the Safety Coordinator.
Equipment shortages and concerns should be brought to the attention of the Equipment Manager, team staff, or another Board member. The Equipment Manager will address these concerns with input from the Board.
Please ensure your players are properly equipped to protect them from injury. Their gear should all fit properly.