Branham Hills Girls Softball is a Non-Profit 501(C) (3) Organization.
Donations are tax-deductible.
Tax ID # 68-0535365
BHGS believes in keeping softball fees affordable to all families. To offset the costs of registration fees, each team is asked to obtain sponsorships. Any amount of sponsorship is appreciated. Sponsorship for an entire team for the season is $300. Please have all families ask businesses they frequent if they would be sponsors or if they own small businesses and want to support our league.
Please note your business or organizational name, the team you are sponsoring, and contact information so we may be able to coordinate your sponsorship-level benefits.
Branham Hills Girls Softball is a non-profit recreational softball league for girls ages 4 through 13. Generous donations from sponsors like you will provide our local girls with beautiful opportunities to make new and lasting friendships, learn and improve their softball skills, and, most of all, enjoy the valuable experience of being a team member and having fun.
Branham Hills Girls Softball depends upon the contributions graciously donated each season by our community's local businesses and individuals. Your support is vital in keeping our fees from rising and possibly limiting some children from participating in our program. Our goal is to offer a unique and effective way to reach your customers and the entire community while raising the needed funds to keep our league operating at the highest possible level, including all who wish to play. Sponsor "thank you" messaging such as yearbook pages, website banners, and social media posts allows us to make our appreciation viewable to 250+ softball families during the Spring season.
BHGS corporate sponsorship and personal donations are available in multiple support levels. We hope to forge a rewarding partnership that will last many years.
Good Game League Sponsor - $100
Website Logo listing
Social Media Shoutout
First Base League Sponsor - $300
Website Logo listing
Social Media Shoutout
A BHGS League Coffee Mug
Second Base League Sponsor - $500
Website Logo listing
Social Media Shoutout
Two BHGS League Coffee Mugs
BHGS Polo Shirt or Softball Cap
If you would like to make an individual contribution, please click the button!
All donations are tax-deductible contributions. Please consider making a monthly/yearly donation. Branham Hills Girls Softball is a Non-profit 501(C)(3) Organization. Tax ID # 68-0535365.