The BHGS snack shack has a variety of items for the whole family. Drinks, snacks. Meals and desserts are all found in Scooter’s Snack Shack. We cater to our families needs from bagels and donuts in the morning to full hot dog and burger meals at lunch. and on occasion tri-tip sandwiches. Come check us out during your game.
Revenue from our snack shack allows us to keep costs for participating low
Asked to supply a team snack? We have $1 and $2 snack snack tickets and discounted meal tickets. An easy and convienent way to supply a snack
Don’t miss our Snack Shack Punch Card. For $20 you get $25 in food.
The Snack Shack help and all board and league positions are volunteer-based, and we would love any help you can offer! We work hard, but we have fun! We build relationships, dance, laugh, and joke around while keeping players and spectators fed and hydrated throughout the season with a smile!
We Need your Help!
We rely on volunteers to operate or snack shack. To ensure the Snack Shack continues to run smoothly, for each game, the designated home team is required to supply one adult to work a shift. The team manager will arrange a Snack Shack shift assignment with their team parents. GAMES WILL NOT START UNTIL A SHACK VOLUNTEER HAS CHECKED IN.
We ask that all shift volunteers arrive at the shack 15 minutes before your game time and stay 15 minutes after your game time. If you need to change your Snack Shack Shift, please do so by talking to the parents on your team first and your manager second. If you still need help, please get in touch with us.
If you cannot work your scheduled shift throughout the season, you can pay the $95 buy-out instead. Please follow the link below to the Buy-Out form, but we would rather see you in the Shack!! Please also give us at least a week’s notice, but we prefer two weeks to ensure coverage for your shift. You will receive a confirmation email once the form is sent in and approved. Without the confirmation email, your shift is not covered, and you must show up for your change so your child's game can start.